Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Q & A with Broadside

Oliver & Dom of Broadside 

Q & A with Broadside

Me: "Can you introduce yourselves?” 

Oliver: “Yes. My name is Oliver and I sing in broadside.”

Domenic: “My name is Domenic and I play guitar in Broadside” 

O: “And we are the Broadside boys”

M: “Where did you get your band name from?” 

O: “This is a boring answer but, we liked one word names and we put a bunch in a hat and pulled that one and said ‘lets just go with it’, we had no idea the internet was going to like us or have a small amount of fame and here we are, stuck with the name Broadside.” 

M: “What are your favorite songs to play live?”

D: “I love playing ‘Laps Around a Picture Frame’ but most recently ‘King of Nothing’ hits hard and I love playing that.”

O: “I love playing King of Nothing and Laps as well but also ‘Summer Stained’ I like playing a lot” 

D: “‘Old Bones’ actually, we started playing ‘Old Bones’ last year and that has been a lot of fun. And people seem to really like that we’re playing it too.”

M: “What’s your favorite song you’ve written”

O: “I don’t know if I’ve written that song yet.” 

D: “That’s a good answer, I don’t think we have either.” 

M: “What inspired ‘King of Nothing’ and ‘Empty’” 

O: “‘King of Nothing’ is about being a band at our level where we want to reach the next level but it feels impossible because we’re ripping at straws basically and wanting to be the best band we can be but don’t want to pretend like we’re something we’re not even though we know it would get a lot of internet attention. And then ‘Empty’ is just about heartache and being in love with somebody and them just not loving you as much as you care for them, it’s very difficult to be in love with someone.”

M: “What is your favorite album that has come out so far this year?”

D: “ I haven’t listened to the whole thing and I can’t even tell you the name, but there's this band ‘Band of Skulls’ who I love and they just put a record out and I that it’s probably the best. Or, for safe the new ‘Bring me the Horizon’ album is awesome.” 

O: “Yeah, I like the new ‘Bring me the Horizon’ album too, but I don’t know any other bands.”

M: “What’s the best show you’ve ever been to?”

O: “My favorite show I’ve ever attended was this tour called ‘The Curiosa tour’ so this band called ‘The Cure’ headlined and then ‘Thursday’ and you know the band ‘Muse’? It was their first show ever and that was on a tiny stage and now they’re playing arenas.” 

D: “Way back in 2006 I went to see this australian band called ‘Wolf Mother’ which you probably know their songs from like guitar hero and they blew me away I couldn’t believe how good it was.”

M: “What’s your favorite show you’ve ever played” 

O: “So in indy there’s this venue called the Hoosier Dome and everytime we play there is just goes apeshit, like kids are climbing on top of stuff and just going wild and it’s kind of a DIY venue so there kind of like ‘we’ll let it slide’ and it just a great time. But we also played a house show one time after Warped Tour 2016 and we thought we could still play house shows but we had gained so much attention it was crazy, there were kids right in front of us, I thought I was gonna die that night. 

D: “I feel like I have two answers, the first one was last year we played in Cologne, Germany for the first time and there was like 1000 kids there screaming our words back at us and I couldn’t believe it because the band had never played in Germany before, and then we did a co-headlining tour last year and we headlined in Worcester, Massachusetts and that was really awesome because it was the biggest headlining show that we have ever played.” 
~Q & A by Trenton~

This was one of our favorite interviews! The guys were down to earth and funny. We were nervous because this was one band that we have been
wanting to interview for a long time & we were thrilled to get this opportunity. They made us feel welcome and they talked to us like we were old friends just catching up.
Their performance was amazing from their set list to Ollie's dance moves. They performed their 2 new songs "King of nothing and Empty" which are my 2 favorite song by them at the moment and
they killed it with those 2 songs.