Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Gossip! Sleeping With Sirens

                Sleeping With Sirens: Gossip!

     Who is excited about this new album from your boys in SWS? I know we are and that is why I decided to do the review on it. All thoughts and opinions are those of my own. When the album title was announced I was hooked and thinking this is going to be good. 

       Gossip- My take on Gossip is that SWS is trying to say "Hey you are going to hear a lot of things about us that is not true".  Now days they media makes things bigger then what it really is rather it be an artist saying something or doing something.  

      Legends- My take on this song is SWS saying "Look you can say what you want about us but in the end we will still be here and continue to share our music with the world and hope that people will be able to just be them and  what the world thinks they should be"

     Empire To Ashes- I'm not going to play by your rules, this is who we are and you don't have to like it. You can try to bring us down but in the end we will still be here and being true to who we are.

    Cheers- It does not matter how you chose to live your life, you are important in this world so raise your glass and cheer for what you have accomplished so far in your life.

     Trouble- Feeling like they have seprated their selves from the people that believed in them the most  and they don't know how to get back to that support system but they will not give up on trying.

     One Man Army- This song is screaming the message about how Kellin feels! He may be the frontman/voice of SWS but in the end this band is made up of  5 guys(Kellin, Justin, Gabe, Nick, and Jack) and all of these guys make it work! The rest of the guys need to be credited as well.

     Closer- My take on this one is them saying "We have been burned, brought down ect but hey we are STILL here" 

     Hole In My Heart- I take this one as SWS over coming depression because in all honesty everybody has had a bit of depression in their lives and it's nothing to be ashamed of because there is people that care and that's where the course comes in "It's okay, show them who you are. Everybody hurts, everybody's got scars, It's okay, standing in the dark. Shine a little light from the hole in my heart". 

     I Need To Know- Everyone goes through break ups, Right? it's apart of life so why not talk about it even though it may hurt but there is a reason for that break up to happen. God has a plan for us all and he will never give you more then you can handle.

    The Chase- I believe is saying hey I'm not here for the media, I'm here for the our fans that believe  in us and our music. a

   War- Now it feels like they are getting a little insecure by saying "A war that can't be won" it's saying that society is the war and as long as we hide behind our fears then the bad in this world has won.

   This album is the medias worst nightmare because it is telling them "Hey, we do not care what you say about us. We are going to continue to do what we love to do no matter what you throw our way and we will win."  
  When SWS decided to name the abum "Gossip" they really nailed it! They have addressed the issues in the world today and then some. Their sound is softer opposed to their previous sound and guess what? no matter how much their sound changes it is STILL amazing!!!!!! Great Job guys!!!!!

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