Saturday, August 15, 2020

Meet Singer/Songwriter Crystal Lemmer


Courtsey Of Crystal Lemmer
  So I know we all think about what life would be like if social media was taken away, Right? There is some good and bad things about social media but the one thing I love about it is you get to keep in contact with family members and friends that are far away and near. However when you are using it for networking/business to reach out to people, you really never know who you will come into contact with. Crystal and I both met Adam Whitehead on a social media platform, in my case it was TikTok and Crystal met him on Facebook.  Social Media platforms are a great way to network and grow your business(whatever your business may be).

    Crystal is a singer/songwriter from Minnesota with a passion for music weather it may be writing the songs or singing them. After emailing with Crystal I found out just how deep her passion for her music and family really goes. So here goes my Q & A with Crystal and we hope you like it!


Courtsey Of Crystal Lemmer


Courtsey Of Crystal Lemmer

 What made you decide to write songs? I've been playing piano since I was 6 years old, and sung in choirs ect. since I was young as well. This past Winter I realized that since I love performing for others I should actively trying to share my gifts  with others. I started out playing piano a couple of nights at a local restaurant but that wasn't enough for me. I wanted to sing and give others the same feeling I get when I hear live music.

Has writing always been a passion of yours? I started up an acoustic duo in February. I started writing songs in April because I wanted to have original music so I could eventually record. I've only been writing for a few months but I love it.

Courtsey Of Crystal Lemmer


Adam said that you are a songwriter, have you thought about singing the songs yourself? I met Adam because I randomly added him on Facebook for the purpose of networking. I had no idea who he was but I'm really glad I added him!  

I am planning to sing as many songs that I can write as possible but I'm definitely open to pitching them to other artists as well.

Courtsey Of Crystal Lemmer

Courtsey Of Crystal Lemmer

Is your songs based off of experience?  A lot of what I write is based off experience. I also like to write songs that touch on topics that are rarely written about or from a new angle. I get my ideas from thoughts and experiences I have,  from a phrase or story I hear that makes me think "Hey! This would make a great song!"


       I love doing interviews and post this way because I love hearing/reading what they have to say and learning their process for their song writting and recording styles. I love hearing about how they get their inspirations for their music and I am thankful that these amazing talented artist give me the chance to write about them and their passion. Thank you Crystal for taking the time and giving me what I needed to write this article.

Courtsey Of Crystal Lemmer

Courtsey Of Crystal Lemmer



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